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A Message From The Commander
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It is an honor to be selected by my peers to serve as Post 370 Commander. There is a long list of veterans, dating back to 1947, who have led this post. It is a privilege to follow in their footsteps. I pray that I will have the continued enthusiasm, strength, and ability to fulfill my duties and responsibilities of this position. I strongly seek the support and the energy of my fellow Post Members and friends to make our American Legion Post a continued success in Western North Carolina. In my opinion, the term “Commander” is overstated…I am more of a Facilitator, Organizer, Supporter, Encourager, and Planner for this American Legion Post.


The American Legion has a long and proud history dating back to shortly after the end of World War One (1919).   For over One Hundred Years the “FOUR PILLARS OF THE AMERICAN LEGION” (1)Veterans’ Affairs & Rehabilitation, 2)National Security, 3)Americanism, and 4)Children & Youth) have served our Nation, States, and Local Communities well. We will continue our efforts to keep these important elements as part of The Highlands Post’s Initiatives.


Each American Legion Member strives to follow the VETERAN’S CREED:

1. I am an American Veteran.

2. I proudly served my country.

3. I live the values I learned in the military.

4. I continue to serve my community, my country & my fellow veterans.

5. I maintain my physical and mental discipline.

6. I continue to lead and improve.

7. I make a difference.

8. I honor and remember my fallen comrades.


Highlands Post 370 provides the community with annual celebrations, memorials, and services:

  • Memorial Day to honor our fallen veterans,
  • Veterans’ Day to honor all Veterans,
  • Vietnam Veterans’ Day to honor the veterans of that era,
  • The Four Chaplains Service honoring the four military chaplains who gave their lives saving their comrades as their transport ship sank. 

In addition, Post 370 places American Flags on veteran graves on special Holidays and Military Occasions, places Wreaths on graves at Christmas, and our members visit aging and sick veterans to offer comfort during their times of need.  Our Poppy Flowers sales and American Legion Sponsors program generate funds to help us support programs and events in the community.


Our members meet monthly on the 3rd Saturday of every month.  A delicious buffet breakfast for fun and fellowship starts at 9AM. The meeting kicks-off after Breakfast and Fellowship at approximately 9:40AM for Post Business, Guest Speakers, American Legion Updates & Programs…we try to adjourn by 11AM.  We meet at Highlands United Methodist Church Community Room (AKA 909 Chapel) for breakfast and meeting.  Veterans are invited to attend.


For more information about our Post, our activities and programs, visit our Facebook Page:  https:www.facebook.com/HighlandsNCAmericanLegionPost370 

Also, visit our Website: http://www.amerlegionpost370nc.org/


Veterans, after you visit our online sites, I hope you will be motivated to visit one of our meetings. During your visit, you will experience fellowship and comradeship with other veterans. Gaining understanding and knowledge about the American Legion can enhance your life. We may inspire you to join us as we help improve our town, our state, and our country. God Bless You All and God Bless the United States of America!


Paul Schowalter, Post 370 Commander




Bob and Sandie TrevathanBryson's Food StoreCountry Club Properties

DonLeon'sEd & Janet McCloskeyFranklin Ford

Griffin BellHighlands Aerial ParkHighlands Decorating Center

Highlands United Methodist ChurchKeith HallKen & Sarah Knight

Leonard ParksLinda and Bill EdwardsNora Kelly

Osborne OakleyPaul & Linda Schowalter FamilyR. J. Wood and Company

Robert Carter Davis, Jr., M.D.Robert E. SmithRobert L. Trescott, P.L.

Tom BartinikasWHLC-FM 104.5William C. Huff

Zach Claxton Art